Imported News

Habbo Beta report from La

This news is written by Lab-Rat

It’s finally here...for some of us at least.
The biggest thing to come to Habbo since R18 has finally hit the shores of the UK (and other hotels will come). While leading up to now there has been a lot of buzz, including fake screenshots and people saying they had it before now. Well now that it’s here, what’s new?
• Well of course there is a new navigator with a nice new front-page
• New inventory for all of your good old furniture
• Hotel bar (the grey area with all of the icons) has been moved to the left
• Some tweaks to the Contact list and chat.
• Disappearance of the public rooms
• Room icons where you get to pick a icon display for your room (highly customizable)
• A thing called Home Room (automaticly loaded into the room when loaded hotel)
• Updated icons for actions (eg. Dance, wave etc.)
• Resizable Client (the window)
• New door design
• And of course a heap of other features yet to be found.
So how does this update compare to previous updates? Well it’s different, it doesn’t bring a lot of new features, mainly just a big redesign and do I mean big. But overall it’s good.

41 replies on “Habbo Beta report from La”

Elias, kun tuota Labrat-sivua englanniksi tietenkin selailin, siellä luki:
Joitakin toimintoja puuttuu BETAsta,esim. julkiset tilat, respectin antaminen jne.
mutta tulee ne takaisin joo. :P

All they have done is released the list of users who will get beta, USA is still v33-BUILD56

no public rooms?
i mean, i didn't use them but still, it will be weird on the navigator :P

Just wanna say, there are going to be public rooms, but it is possible that full screen public rooms will be gone or different (such as lido, rooftop rumble etc.)

:D (A) (A) (A) (A) :x :x :x :o :o (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6)

Tyhmää että hotellinäkymä muuttuu... se hotelli, joka on joka maassa erilainen, on nimittäin niin hieno! :(

[i].SE still haven't got BETA, and they haven't said who going to be beta-testers either, but i guess today or tomorrow it will be told! but i guess we have to wait and see. [/i]

Neither on AU, but doesn't matter. I have already started writing my in depth(and I mean in depth) look at the new beta. I have looked into everything, clicked everything. And it will be up here the day it gets released to the public (maybe sooner depend

[i]i think .SE will have the beta as soon they translate it into Swedish, which WILL take ages. but i guess it will take up to 3 weeks or something, since the Swedish staff are a bit slow.[/i]

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