Imported News

[US] New Habbo 500 badges

The long rivalty of Sparkplug Roberts and SpeedDemon will now settle down in Habbo US.
You can visited the homes of the two rivals here:

Sparkplug Roberts SpeedDemon

The whole article can be read here.
You have to choose here which Pit Crew you wanna join and you'll have to wear the colors of that Pit Crew (Sparkpluggers wear red and SpeedDemons wear black).
Now the most important thing is that you can get two new unreleased badges, depending on which Pit Crew you have joined:

U06, badge for the Sparkplug Roberts Pit Crew

U05, badge for the SpeedDemon Pit Crew

You can also win some prizes with participating in the roombuilding-competition:

The Prize - Winners' will receive:
- A Red Dragon Lamp
- A Trophy from CrestHawk
- All the Habbo 500 badges (if any are missing)

Now some new extra stuff, a bunch of new stickers for your Habbo Homes comes with this competition:

That's all folks!

- Haakon

11 replies on “[US] New Habbo 500 badges”

Klopt het dat het gewoon niet doet? Ik kom nu al dagen hier via [b][/b] xD En dat terwijl die mcdonalds website zelf nog niet af is! :P

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