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SORRY -update

Woow.. it took some time before we got back. I'm so sorry! As you can see we have a new site and some new features (thanks to Modificado.). There are some bugs now and I'll fix them when I'm home (I'm still in France and fixing stuff in my holiday!).

Thanx to for putting us back into the air!


- Posting a comment is fixed now.

To-do & wish list:
- RSS feeds (news, badges, furni)
- Mobile version/website

If you want something on Puhekupla, please post a comment.

16 replies on “SORRY -update”

Mark, I have problems with the new page. When I tried to create a username, I found the following error: T[i]able 'md33602db78786.lang_' does not exist[/i], which will not let me enter the page :(

erg leuk :P
ik doe het gewoon in het nederlands
veel makkelijker :P
maar voor de mensen buiten NL
Very nice!

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