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New Moodlight items in R3

With R37 nearly here, rumors start to pop up about the features that will be added. Some may be true others may not and some just make you wonder.

When I woke up this morning, a rumor was brought to my attention by a user on Habborator. Now since this user didn't list his source the rumor was dismissed, but then another user (Gammer123) posted a picture of the new moodlight, and that led to frantic Googling and I found this:

The catalog header seems professionally made, which is one of the main reasons this rumor may be true, this also answer some questions answered earlier on Puhekupla (EDIT: couldn't find article...maybe deleted?)

The image is thanks to Hebbo via iBobba

38 replies on “New Moodlight items in R3”

Zou erg leuk zijn als ie zou komen :o vet cool, dan hoef ik niet meer steeds bij de sfeerverlichter in te stellen XD

- Very nice, hope its true!

But habbotimes has NOT found it.Caffedurado has found it.
And puhekupla Gave credits to the people who posted it on habborator,to the source.
You can'T give creds to Habbotimes,because they have NOT found it!

@Lab-Rat You gotta be kidding! Well, so If I'm too busy I won't put credits? WTF?! Btw, -Haakon- was talking about not puting credits (he talked about HabboTimes, etc) but you are not so different as I see...


We don't know, these images were found on so you will need to ask them.

i dont think its true you see the arm? sulake never made something that you see that the habbo is doing something. on this picture you see the arm using the switch. that is one perfect reason i think that this is fake.

ik dnek niet dat dit echt is je ziet de arm en sulake heeft nooit wat gemaakt dat je de actie ziet. dit is 1 goede reden voor mij om te zeggen dat dit nep is


Idd als je zwaait dan zie je geen arm bewegen in Habbo?
"sulake heeft nooit wat gemaakt dat je de actie ziet."

Kortom, een slechter argument om te beweren dat dit onjuist is, bestaat niet.

"mitchel je ebegrijpt wat ik bedoel of ben je nou echt zo kanker achterlijk? als je een lampo uitdoet zie je toch ook geen arm die de knop omzet? je ziet toch ook geen arm een wortel pakken in de koelkast? je ziet toch ook geen arm op een knopje drukken zodat de dice gaat rollen? hou voortaan je kanker bek, of zeg wat zinnigs

Aan Champal en Mitchel: Beiden fout. Als je iets uit de koelkast pakt zie je toch ook geen arm? Het kan dat ie wel aan en uit gaat maar dan hoeft er toch geen arm bij?

On the german "Open Beta" groups there is an element called "Vermisst!" ("Missing!"). This site exists in every hotel with open beta.
The interesting thing is, that in all other hotels, the moodlight is called "moodlight" which is the "Stimmungslicht" in german. But on the german page, it is called "Raumdimmer" ("roomdimmer"). A dimmer is as you may already know a tool to regulate the brightness and is NOT like the moodlight. Also Haakon posted a picture of the catalog icons for RELEASE 37 at ( / ). As you can see, there are two light bulp icons. One is colored and the other one is without color. The one without color is called DIMMER.

YEAH my POST now it true 100% because the Version is out ;)

And please write Habbozeitung in your articel beceause theire are the first with this news ;)

oke ik ben de slechtste niet, het is dus waar. en toch blijf ik er bij dat als dit niet gevonden was eht nep zou zijn x)

One of the finest new features of Beta, i like especially the look of the things now ;) It looks not as rounded anymore but it looks more realistic now you have it like a switch thing on the wall. It doesnt be the thing in your room who will have the most attention; it looks pretty normal.

15 credits was the price, i wouldnt buy it, i see Sulake have changed it in UK to 10 credits, if they come for 10 credits too in Netherlands than i will buy it, sure, for all my 4 rooms, i have 40 cr :P

Owja, almost forgotten, one thing i like now too, is about the Light Switcher. My experience with the old Mood Light is that you always have to set it good to the right point and you know.. im a kind of lazy :P With the switcher it seems you just have to click, thats very nice :) And i like the shape, the real switch feeling.

But i have a question. I've buyed a long time ago the old Moon Light in Habbo NL. I still have it in my inventory but it doesnt work anymore. What are they going to do? Does somebody knows that? I mean: do Habbo give you a refund, like a new Mood Light or something, because i think that will be fair..

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