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2 new catalog images foun

I was looking though Catalog images and found two new ones which are totally unrelated.

The first one belongs to F.Bomb, a thing they do in US.

The second is a teaser image for country, now wasn't that released ages ago? Why would they make another teaser now? Anyway here it is:

Does anyone out there have any answers? Or am I going to have to ask the invading Aliens?

- Lab-Rat

9 replies on “2 new catalog images foun”

nou ik kan alleen zeggen dat er een verandering is in de agro afbeelding, in de eerste was het bovenste van de boom niet op de afbeelding en in deze wel

I think it has something to do with the new pet? (note the animals in the toilet and in front of the toilet, i didnt see that first)

I really believe the pig will be the new pet. I mean, the last couple of years we've seen them hopping by once in a while, so why shouldn't the pigs be our new pets? Then we'll get puddles of mud :D

F.Bomb = Fruni Bomb. Ik think you can buy some RANDOM bombs with furni in it?
Or just cheap furni :D
Nut the other one is for Country :)! :D

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