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Battleball Preview -update2

Update by Colaman:
Battleball in action! It is finally back.

Screenshoots from the video:

41 replies on “Battleball Preview -update2”


It's awesome. But it is in our own rooms. So we have to pay for it. And I think that it wouldn't be such a low prices.

Hey i got some news!

when you pass the blue door of the battleball
it auto-enables the effect id 35 or just the blue battleball effect.

sorry my english, i'm chilean!

[quote=N9982] When they chance from Shocwave to Flash, coders said to it will be impossible to make Battleball. They was wrong...
[i]Sorry my english, i'm finnish[/i]

My god.. Enough with the "hope we don't need to pay for the furni" or "BattleBall in your own room = CR for Habbo = Money for Habbo/Sulake -_-". As if none of you complaining don't know that not everything in Habbo can be free. Of course the furni will cost credits, just like all other furni (including the football furni.) If you don't like the way Sulake is costing many things in Habbo, then simply don't buy anything...

Anyways, the game looks like it'll be quite fun. Can't wait to see the different arenas users design!

miksi kaikki vanha muutetaan uudeksi ja hankalemmaksi...? Tuokin tulee varmaan maksamaan aika paljon vaiko? Siis kuulin että noita sais ilmaseksi, mutta ehei ei noin hienoja juttuja voi antaa ilmaiseksi. Ja tuossa ei ole enään mitään vanhaa... taas julkiset pelitilat käyttöön ja snowstrom taas kans ja ihan vanhana takaisin, tietysti voisihan niitä grafiikkaa muutella vähän. Anteeksi viestin sekavuudesta. T: Temehhh. (Finlads habbo) :D :D :D :D


Yes they said that!

But i remember that they said when beta came, that BB and SS wont be gone for too long! its been 2 (or 1) years nearly... what is sulake ideas of short.

Also i don't like how you have to pay for the furni.... Everyone will be hosting them for about a month and then they will die down, what about people who want to play when no ones host?

I reckon sulake should make a couple of public arenas

err how do you know what team will win.. must be a score board or something and there will be no power ups or anything kinda looks gay

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