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Battle Banzai! -update2


Batlle Banzai?! WTH? Yup, it's the new Battle Ball (Reloaded) :D

So yup, he're some screens of I'ts status in DEV Client:

Open spoiler

Let's hear your meaning about Battle Banzai!
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- Imadj

Update, by -=Colaman=-:
Catalog page (also the icon on the bottom) of Battle Banzai:

57 replies on “Battle Banzai! -update2”

It's not really from the "test hotel" or "DEV client"... They're just editing it in a paint like program tbh... NO ONE but Sulake staff have access to the test hotel (not even puhekupla even if they say they do.)

Who cares if this is a 'retro', all the 'retro' would of done is rip the SWF's from Sulake's next release...
Point being, this will be coming soon.


Wanna have proof?

<meta name="build" content="59-BUILD20 - 15.09.2010 02:08 - net" />

Doesn't tell me that you can get on the test hotel at all. The fact is no one can't get on the test hotel client. If so, then prove me wrong. :)

Just funny how everyones sayin that he can access it but have no proof :P

@Dan: Yup, I agree your meaning!

So, everyones talking shit about Testhotel and that he can access it, but wheres the proof :P? I gave one, and you're flaming at all.

Uhh, Hidy ho Sulake!

He never said he could get on the test hotel Imadj, he said that [b]YOU[/b] can't get on the hotel. If you can you're going to need a lot more solid proof than just some random text.

[u]Well first off, its mad annoying how you guys try to hide the test hotel cause you know thats the ONLY reason people visit your site.

Eventually I'll find out and I'll let everyone know how to get on it. Good luck :)[/u]

It isn't a retro
Habbo use a private serve to upload alle stuff called the test hotel nobody can in only if you can hack ;)
The mods doesn't have give a code or something and they don't want they get in and this isn't maked with paint :P

Wow, I don't see what all this fuss is about...
I'm pretty sure the majority of you are viewing this because you want to know what furniture is coming out, yes? Does it really matter where they got the pictures taken? I think not. It doesn't matter if it's a test hotel, or a retro for that matter. Stop whining.

And is it 100 % that Sulake's has promised that Battle Banzai is coming to the hotels this month? (September?)

The reason is, I want to TEST IT MYSELF... I doubt they showed us even half of how it works. For example: Can you fill in all the squares around empty squares and it fills the middle ones up? :S

This, I can confirm, is NOT the test hotel.
It is a RETRO, okay. Sulake would NOT allow them access.
I am remaining anonymous, and shall not be checking for any replies to this.
Yes, the Puhekupla staff will continue to deny this, I know their foul little plans.
I have evidence, I overheard a discussion in one of the retro's rooms, they are going to continue lying to you all; if possible they will try and remove this post to keep you not knowing their dirty little secret.
You may say where's your evidence etc, well, the staff at Puhekupla know, and they will probably deny this too.
They will come up with all the excuses under the sun, but they are lying. This is a retro. They may even say only a couple have access to this retro!
All their previews on the so called "test hotel" have been on a retro.
Good bye!

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