Imported News

Germany and Switzerland

Yo Boys (and probally girls outta there :D),

You might not believing it, but Habbo Hotel Germany and Switzerland are merging ;)
I told it months ago, but nobody believed it, so heres the proof:

"Eine Nachricht für alle Habbos aus der Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland...

Wir sind dabei, Habbo in Europa noch grösser zu machen mit tausenden Leuten, die deine Freunde werden können!

Deshalb wird Sulake bis Ende September und zu einer einzigen Seite zusammenschliessen.

Das neue wird dir die Möglichkeit geben, tausende neue Freunde aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zu treffen, mit noch mehr Wettbewerben, Events und Starchats als zuvor!

Wir können uns vorstellen, dass du viele Fragen dazu hast, du kannst dir aber sicher sein, dass wir sehr vorsichtig bei der Planung vorgehen. Wir werden dich in den kommenden Tagen mit ausreichend Infos versorgen, bleib also dran!

Wenn du doch noch Fragen haben solltest, lies bitte die FAQshier. Wurde eine deiner Fragen trotzdem nicht beantwortet? Dann poste sie doch hier ins Forum der Community News.

Translation by zenda:

"A message to all Habbos from Switzerland, Austria and Germany ...

We are going to make Habbo even bigger in Europe with thousands of people who can be your friends!

Sulake has decided that at the end of September and will me mergend into one community
The new will give you the opportunity to meet thousands of new friends from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, with more competitions, concerts and celebrity chats as before!

We can imagine that you have many questions, But you can be sure that we are very careful in planning. We will feed you in the coming days with sufficient information, stay tuned!

If you should still have questions, please read the FAQs. Has one of your questions are not been answered yet? Then post it in the forum of the Community News.

Original article Link

- Imadj

21 replies on “Germany and Switzerland”

[b]Proper translation:[/b]

[i]A message to all Habbos from Switzerland, Austria and Germany ...

We are going to make Habbo even bigger in Europe with thousands of people who can be your friends!

Sulake has decided that at the end of September and will me mergend into one community
The new will give you the opportunity to meet thousands of new friends from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, with more competitions, concerts and celebrity chats as before!

We can imagine that you have many questions, But you can be sure that we are very careful in planning. We will feed you in the coming days with sufficient information, stay tuned!

If you should still have questions, please read the FAQs. Has one of your questions are not been answered yet? Then post it in the forum of the Community News.

waarom komen de nieuwsberichten niet gewoon in alle talen ? dat je 1 knopje klikt met het land waarin jij woont en dat je dan het bericht in jou taal kan lezen


Omdat dan ieder bericht apart vertaalt moet worden en daar hebben we de mensen niet voor + het is overbodig. We zijn oorspronkelijk een Finse/Engelse website, het vertalen van nieuws is een extra feature. Wees blij dat het mogelijk is.

I bet .no, .se and .dk is next up...
Well then we'll have a language problem, because it's three different languages

I bet .no, .se and .dk is next up...
Well then we'll have a language problem, because it's three different languages [quote=N10144]
I doubt that since they will lose alot of money because of all of the children who play habbo every day and if they merge .dk, .no and .se they will quit and Sulake will just lose money and close .no, .dk and .se

Even so, LS (Hotel Manager Habbo NO) made an article about merging and said it would never happen. Good thing too :)

[quote=N10122] ....Engels.....FINS?????WTF???je hebt niet eens een finse vertaling bij de tekst hoe kan het dan een Engels/Finse site zijn ik dacht eerst dat het Engels(Gebaseerd) was en een beetje nederlands aangezien jij(mark) de eigenaar bent

They're not going to merge Hotel's that speak different languages, that would be too much trouble for them. CH and DE speak the same language, so it's logical for them to merge, as was all the English-speaking Hotels.

Ich komme aus dem Schweizer Hotel! Und Ich freue mich einerseits auf der Fusion aber anderseits auch nicht! ;( Meine Seite: [url=][/url]

- GangstarG.


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