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HabboWeen 2010 [Edit 4( badges)]

All the new things related to habboween have been found.

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New furni (reconstruction) :


EDIT 3 :

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NewsLetter :

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Background :

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Edit by -=Colaman=-
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43 replies on “HabboWeen 2010 [Edit 4( badges)]”

Erm... is there a reason why the small news letter icon has an image of my habbo (the one in the hat) ??

Awesome furni! I don't really think the archway is a piece of furni and the bird will probably be a gate.

If you see the 3rd topstorie, then you see that new catalogue sign! But in another colour.
Greetz kef274 from

Awesome furni, but aren't there more habboween furni visible in the pics that aren't uploaded above as a seperate furniture piece?

All the furnis that you can see in the article are [b]reconstructions[/b]! The HabboWeen furnis have not been uploaded yet so wait ;)

I dont think those stages are furni, I think they used lost tribe stages and put a voodoo patch ontop :P

Lol, I just hate people who think theyre on the background. But they arent lol. Anyways back to the furniture.
I kinda like it. The chair is funny, made out of bones. And I like the idea they didnt call it ''[b]Habboween 2010[/b]''
This time it is another theme I think. [b]Voodoo[/b]. This is gonna be [b]epic[/b]! :)

@iRaymond On prevous times they also didn't called it Habboween / Halloween, [b]Virus[/b] for example.

Some people actually are in the backgrounds though... on the group page background one of them is my friends non-vip look and if you look at the smaller newsletter icon you can clearly see my habbo is in it... [](Im Astronomist)[/url]

Well, honestly, I have not ventured to download the certificate, the forum in which I found, there were several comments in favor, saying it was so tested. To access it you will have to take a chance xD

The test hotel adresse has changed , so the one you gave is old.
The certificate is just for the varoke server , to access to the test hotel , you should be authorized by taking your IP adress in the green list of the varoke's server , whithout this you can't access the test hotel.


Hi I'm spion.gangster Habbo Netherlands. I saw you on the download link of the Puhekupla cerfiticaat you need to test Sulake Hotel inside. But that link is filtered. Would you give me the link again? Send the download link to [email protected]
Thanks. Greetings, spion.gangster

Loving it how people are posting [b][u]RETROS[/u][/b] as the 'test' hotel. Get a life noobwits.

I really like that fencing. It's going to make rooms with a backyard style more realistic.

You just want them to post a link of the testhotel and such. You're just jealous they can have the preview. You're a lifeless son of a bitch.

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