Imported News

The weekly meeting of Norman (FR staff)

Every Wednesday, a French Habbo attend a meeting of Norman.

- The Battle Ball competition ends Friday.

- New form of rooms for VIPs soon

- MAYBE the return of Snowstorm (it could be false!)

- The next event is of course HabboWeen, Voodoo

- BOTS (in catalog) : It's harder than they thought.

- The return of the Trax; Spring 2011 (not sure)

- The return of the camera is expected

- Christmas 2010 : "urban, chic and romantic and a little of Sport" said Norman

- An iPhone version of Habbo? This is in preparation ...

- Wired furnitures soon

Warning: Some informations could be false

See you next week :)

31 replies on “The weekly meeting of Norman (FR staff)”

Norman says that this afternoon at the weekly meeting, so i think it's not a fake and it's true ^^

@The return of the Trax : Spring 2011 (not sure)

What's so hard on working on a new Editor for it? ;P
- Are they lazy?... -

yessss! at least, there comes iphone version of habbo... i hope that symbian habbo doesn't exist even in future cuz i think that fails if they try... and hope that comes out free 2012 or before ::) and all the hotels, or if they don't add all, i hope there are atleast 2 hotels, the best and original ( and then .com ::::)

[quote=N10326] and, that is, most pain does come to Sweden!! <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Till3333333333333333Min3333333333iPhone33333333Och I want it to come out on nokia3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
I love it already! 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 "AND" a bit more 333333333333333333333333333333333333 LOVE HABBO333333333333333333333333333333333
[quote=N10327] And so it was a spelling error on the Swedish translation" tillabsk = tillbaks*

bots, cam and [i]perhaps[/i] snowstorm its a fake.

Bots: they removed the robots for some reason that happened in Spain hotel.
camera: removed for the campaign about Security uploading photos to the Internet.
Snowstorm: make a moving-tile-furni (a snow ball) would be impossible. No furni in Habbo can do that.

and what about the battle banzai puck and the balls from summer and soccer?
but, in something you have reason: a snow ball could be in the air. Could exist an effect like "throwing balls for the air" and then, the furni snow ball appears to move'

[quote=N10329] No idea where you heard that about the camera, but it wasn't for any of those reasons. There was a massive security flaw in the way the photo's were stored when using the lingo client, which was the reason for the initial disable. The reason they haven't been brought back yet, is because they were stored in Lingo's 'Media' format; this format is unique to Lingo. Flash cannot understand the 'Media' format they were stored in.

- Dominic Gunn

Highly doubt there's an iPhone version of Habbo in preparation. Flash won't be accessible on the iPhone for a while still, unless of course Sulake have developed a way to transfer the flash client into HTML5.

With the news of Snowstorm possibly returning, I hope - if it does return - that they dont ruin it like they did with BattleBall


What i think they are comprehending is that there is a Habbo iPhone/iPod Touch App, not the client available via. Safari. A habbo app would be handy.


Yes, incredibly Lazy....

If Snowstorm would return, it would be around christmas I think, at least that would be the most logical thing.

SO basically, everything we have been spreading rumours about was discussed in that meeting? I doubt it. Wheres your source?


Well its logical due to winter being in the North. Also under xmas 2010 it said "urban, chic and romantic and a little of Sport" so, possibly that sport could be SnowStorm?

Lets pray for its return

habbo is vet (H) cool (H) ik heet op habbo :hablumbus de beste kamer me zeinsteinkamer her er heel veel (H) :D

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