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R61 - Registration changed again


Today R61 was released and I found some updates at registration.

Dunnno what it could be for :S?


Huh... For the guys who believe that is the full R61 - No, it is not! I just posted some Images to bring you up2date. But if you know a better site then Puhekupla, mail it to me: imadj (at) w (dot) cn... Wanna see if they find something like this too!

18 replies on “R61 - Registration changed again”


It's very regular, you submit a CAPTCHA image to verify you aren't a bot, give them your age and gender and then fill in your account info. This isn't "some kinda big update" because nothing but the layout has changed. I would change the title of this article to New Registration Layout. Don't get people's hopes up with 'some kinda big update' if it's nothing to get excited about.

Don't flame bro ;)

Get your news somewhere other if you dont like them here.

If you think it is the normal Habbo register, believe it.

It IS an additional way to register. Allready thought that some newbs don't like this article...

Hi, im gonna give u fake info :D

This is for when the bots come in, you get to register them

The info is sooo real >_>

[quote=N10406] Nope "Robot Test" Means that you have to fill in a captcha or something so they can see if you are a "Robot" or a normal human

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