Furni Imported News

Voodoo furni! -update


25 replies on “Voodoo furni! -update”

:P Maybe we can use the "Cards" to make a new kind of magical/soul -game? xD or something :3 cool.. and the tele must be cool.. O.O It's epic.. lol xD Can't wait :3 but.. can't the "hween10_tele" not be fixed? ;o Hehe.. :D Maybe you guys put the "Catch Rabbits" game on puhekupla again, like last year? :D I got 27 rabbits, but couldn't remember my puhekupla-code.. o.o like.. now.. xD blah.. -Many greetings, [i][/i] (the habbo) :P

hmn, I'm excited about: the cards, tree teli and stump. I wonder if habbo will suggest games with this furni or just let us figure it all out XD

Ugh yuck. I buy the card 1, 2 and the bat thing.
If this is all, than they are out of idea's for halloween, cus this sucks but ohhwell my oppinion.
Looks like they didn't want to design this year.

Lol, wat in Gods name means that stupid chicken? It doesn't have anything to do with "Habboween" no skelletons, flying bats etc. ?

whats the date that the furni on this page is in the catalogue on habbo NL? Couse i'm from holland and i really wanna know.
i think it's on Halloween but I even don't know, Please quick send me a message back.
couse my computer is gone couse he is by the HP industry so i can a little time by my friends at that computer but she don't want it at long

Bye and thanks already.

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