Imported News

Norman's meeting

Hi ! Here's what Norman said at the meeting :

- He has no information in regards to bots

- He didn't talk about the wired furniture

- Perhaps new dimmer colors

- He has information on the return of trax.

- He said that the Voodoo Furni won't be expensive

- New clothes coming VERY SOON !

See you next week ;)

24 replies on “Norman's meeting”

New clothes.... Maby in relase 61?

why would it be called snowstorm banzai? idiot. its not called battleball banzai? is it? no. its battle banzai. therefore, it'd be snow banzai, which I highly doubt.

[quote=N10416] [quote=N10416] [quote=N10416] [quote=N10416] [quote=N10416] [quote=N10416]

they didn't with BAttleBanzai..

Where are you finding this information about meetings because you just can't 'predict' what's happening, otherwise it'd be unpredictable information.


Mate, hes only making a statement on if Snowstorm will make a return and it happens to be banzai, what a fail it would be.

If it was snowstorm banzai anyway, what would be throw? Neon coloured snow? Plus its obvious that games DON'T work in guest rooms. It is incredibly hard to find a decent one and if you want to host, its also hard to get people coming to your room.


To be honest, those are most probably the clothes. We know that habbo have released clothes to fit into promos.

It would be cool some new clothes again. Then its gonna be [b]huge[/b]. But this time it should be [b]free[/b]. I hate it if I need to [b]buy credits[/b] just for that. I aint gonna do that. :)

[Ferarri-2006 From Holland]

I hope they make also some new clothes for the normal habbo's [no HC/VIP if you don't know it]

[i]Better be decent clothes, none of that junk we have at the moment. I want decent outfit's for the male's, and please, enough with the "emo" look, didnt that die out in 2007 or 2008?, and Habbo only now put's in "tight jeans" and all this fringe hair, make's me sick. I want decent looking hair, clothes - tracksuit's with stripes, suit's, suit pin strips, and shoes, decent please!. I dont give a damn what you's want, that's me and make it happend you funok.[/i]

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