Imported News

Release 61 -update
Release 61 - Build 33
15-10-2010 16:57

No other changes as far as I can see..

Edit by -=Colaman=-:

The welcome guide system also has a new look ;-)

Wired furniture has been added to external texts:
It may will arrive soon!

wiredfurni.conflictingactions.caption=Warning: Incompatible actions
wiredfurni.conflictingactions.text=This trigger doesn't provide a triggerer. You have stacked this trigger with actions (%actions%) that need a triggerer to work.
wiredfurni.conflictingtriggers.caption=Warning: Incompatible triggers
wiredfurni.conflictingtriggers.text=This action needs a triggerer to work. You have stacked this action with triggers (%triggers%) that do not provide a triggerer. is the Wired Furniture Help System that will inform users about everything... Furniture Help System about WF actions about WF triggers about WF conditions Furni Help Furniture Help Furni help
wiredfurni.params.allowafter=Allow after: %seconds% seconds
wiredfurni.params.allowbefore=Allow before: %seconds% seconds
wiredfurni.params.anyavatar=Any avatar
wiredfurni.params.certainavatar=Certain avatar
wiredfurni.params.condition.direction=Current direction
wiredfurni.params.condition.position=Current position in room
wiredfurni.params.condition.state=Current furni state
wiredfurni.params.conditions=Conditions that will be matched:
wiredfurni.params.enteravatarname=enter avatar name
wiredfurni.params.enterawordorphrase=Enter a word or phrase
wiredfurni.params.entermessage=enter a message
wiredfurni.params.message=What is the message:
wiredfurni.params.movefurni.0=no movement
wiredfurni.params.movefurni.1=move randomly
wiredfurni.params.movefurni=Move furni:
wiredfurni.params.picktriggerer=Pick the triggerer:
wiredfurni.params.rotatefurni.0=no rotation
wiredfurni.params.rotatefurni.1=rotate clockwise
wiredfurni.params.rotatefurni.2=rotate counter clockwise
wiredfurni.params.rotatefurni.3=to random direction
wiredfurni.params.rotatefurni=Rotate furni:
wiredfurni.params.seconds=%seconds% seconds
wiredfurni.params.setpoints=Set the points: %points% points
wiredfurni.params.setscore=Set the score: %points% points
wiredfurni.params.settime=Set the time: %seconds% seconds
wiredfurni.params.settimesingame=How many times in a game: %times%
wiredfurni.params.whatissaid=What is said:
wiredfurni.pickfurnis.caption=Pick furnis [%count%/%limit%]
wiredfurni.pickfurnis.desc=You must pick one or more furnis for this entry. You can select or deselect a furni in your room by clicking it.
wiredfurni.title=Wired Furni
wiredfurni.tooltip.avatarname=Avatar name tool-tip, localize!
wiredfurni.tooltip.chatinput=Chat input tool tip, text missing. Localize!
wiredfurni.tooltip.chatmessage=Chat message tool-tip, localize!

Wired Furni got simpler!

Edit by -=Colaman=-:

The registration has been updated. Didn't imadj told you recently? :-)

21 replies on “Release 61 -update”

I found this:
When you had more Furnis of them it puts automaticly as next furni.
A new Clothe.
Like you said Empty Catogory.

I don't see why we need to keep updating habbo, although it keeps the interest it doesn't help the fact that there is always going to be a split of the community who DOESN'T want it and the timing is all wrong. So that's why when YanzCity is launched we're not going to make any mistakes! google YanzCity or Yanz City for more information.

- Your name under your habbo name in brackets no longer appears anymore.
- In group discussion, there's now a '>>' to go directly to last page and a '>' just tog o to next page (and vice versa for going back pages.)
- The client seems to be speedier than usual also.

The clients load ALOT faster suddenly o.O nice.
And i like that "This category seems to be empty" part :o nice furniscreen haha.

When you try to scroll the chat, you can do it easier but just dragging the actual text rather than using the normal way (if that makes sense :P!)

pretty sweet, if only they made made wired coins, refilling your purse everytime u run out, yeah right !!!! (6)


Its Uber or Sulkea EMU right ?

It is worked because its not really as Public Room it is like a Guestroom.

You must set it to Public and then you must add Public Items ;)

No, i came in and the theaterdome furniture were loading, if you zoomed it back they really came and also the wall and floor etc and everything, if you zoomed in nothing came (the type was set on public). And it was not uber or sulkea emulator, it was my own emu but w/e :p.


But on the Picture it dont really comes xD

What EMU ? I think it would be Uber-Holo Based or ION xD

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