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New masks and hats

New HabboWeen clothes.

24 replies on “New masks and hats”

The skull on the hat glows red when you talk, the skull mask is bugged (can't talk with it) and the skulls on the left one makes a talk emote when you talk. :) - Melvin

Seen any new updates in Habbo Hotel? Any new updates in any other Habbo Hotels? Post them in the comment section, and you will be warded! It always helps us here at PUHEKUPLA.COM

Updates: This is boring! Do not know if this is true! |-)
On the Dutch site first appeared today on new Accessories!

It is a pungent red hat with a skull, a mask depicting just a skull and a head ornament associated with Voodooeventen. We expect that these things even show up at the Swedish hotel soon!

Update 17:50
The three new things are available only for VIP members!

You may know this already but nothing has been written it! -.- '
Credits:, news ...
:( :( :( :( :'( :'( :'( :'( :( :( :( :( :'( :'( :'(

Is that all?. I dont understand why the "males" in the hotel seem to always get "half" of thing's. I mean you can notice, there is: Rp's, Party's, Club's, & Pet room's, so why not work in all that?. This "emo" update they have done is very shocking, I dont think it was even worth it. I mean make some "Track suits", some "decent" male hair style's, and even some decent outfit's for us males. I notice we always just get the samething's, then the girl's can wear most of our gear anyway?. I understand the hole "uni-sex" thing but come on, bring in some "2010" looking thing's. Suit's, Hair, whatever else, just do it, them "3 hat's" are ludacris, like who will really wear that junk?, and don't say you will, be serious.

These things are okay...
Well, winters coming up atleast, Maybe then they'll make some winter wear. I hope for something classier if thats the case (flatcaps, turtlenecks, peacoats, Scarves, etc.)

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