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More informations about "Wired Furni" -edit2

6 new icons for the catalog, maybe for the wired furnitures ? :

Category (To show up the catalog pages)

Stands for features like: Conditions / Triggers /Addons / Effects / Addons


Edit by -=Colaman=-
Wired Furni stuff can be bought in catalog soon, you're able to buy those features for your room:

Older pictures

Color Tile: Can be used to trigger an Effect. Requires a Trigger to work.

(Trigger) User Walks On Furni: Actions are triggered when a user steps or sits on a Furni.

(Trigger) User Walks Off Furni: Effects are triggered when a user steps off a Furni.

Hidden Pyramid: Hides in the ground and periodically rises, acting as a divider

(Condition) Furni has users: Triggering is allowed if all the selected Furni have users on them.

Remote Controlled Door Set: Contains all the Furni you need to make a door that is controlled with a pressure plate.

(Add-on) Random effect: Only one random Effect in this stack is triggered at a time.

(Trigger) User Says Keyword: Effects are triggered when a user says a certain word or phrase.

Switch Controlled Door Set: Contains all the Furni you need to make a door that is controlled with a switch.

Color Wheel: Can be used to trigger an Effect. Requires a Trigger to work.

(Trigger) At Set Time: Effects are triggered at a given time after the timer is reset.

Floor Switch 1: Two states- Switch can be turned on/off. Requires a Trigger to work.

Wall Of Flame: Acts as a fiery divider

Three Way Wires: Wires that can be laid down in a room.

(Trigger) Score Is Achieved: Effects are triggered when a team has achieved x points in a game of Battle Banzai.

Wire Corner: Wires that can be laid down in a room.

(Condition) Furni States And Positions Match: Triggering is allowed if the states and positions of the selected Furni match.

Glowball: Glowball rises and lights up.

Flashing Fires Set: Contains all the Furni you need to make a repeating group of igniting Firegates.

(Add-on) Unseen effect: Only one previously unused Effect in this stack is triggered at a time.

(Effect) Move And Rotate Furni: This effect moves and rotates the selected Furni

(Trigger) Repeat Effect: Effects are triggered every x seconds.

Co-Op Door Set: Contains all the Furni you need to make a door that opens when you walk on a pressure plate, and closes when you walk off.

(Trigger) User Enters Room: Effects are triggered when a user enters the room.

(Condition) Triggering User Is On Furni: Triggering is allowed if the triggering user is on one of the selected Furni.

Floor Switch 2: Switch has four different states. Requires a Trigger to work.

(Trigger) Game Starts: Effects are triggered when a game of Battle Banzai starts in the room

(Condition) Less Than x Secs Elapsed Since Timer Reset: Triggering is allowed if less than x seconds have elapsed since timer reset.

(Effect) Timer Reset: This Effect resets triggers that use timers.

Directional Controller Set: Contains all the Furni you need to make a movable Globe using directional pressure plates.

(Effect) Show Message: This effect shows a secret message only to the triggering users.

(Effect) Teleport To Furni: This Effect teleports the triggering user to a Furni. If you select more than one Furni, the user is randomly teleported to one of them.

Password Teleport Set: Contains all the Furni you need to make a password controlled teleporter.

(Trigger) Game Ends: Effects are triggered when a game of Battle Banzai ends in the room.

(Effect) Give Points: This action gives the set amount of points to the team that triggers the effect. You can also choose how many
times in a game the amount can be given.

Glass Door: When Effect is triggered Glass Door goes up or down.

(Effect) Match Furni to Position & State: This Effect returns the selected Furni to its set conditions.

Wire Junction: Wires that can be laid down in a room.

Pressure Plate: Can be used to trigger an Effect. Requires a Trigger to work.

Password Door Set: Contains all the Furni you need to make a door that will open by saying a password.

Ringplate: Can be used to trigger an Effect. Requires a Trigger to work.

(Condition) More Than x Secs Elapsed Since Timer Reset: Triggering is allowed if more than x seconds have elapsed since timer

Floor Wiring: Wires that can be laid down in a room

Arrow Plate: Can be used to trigger an Effect. Requires a Trigger to work.

Moving Globe Set: Contains all the Furni you need to make a movable Globe using a directional pressure plate.

(Trigger) Furni State Is Changed: Effects are triggered when the state of a Furni is changed by double clicking it.

(Trigger) User Walks On Furni: Effects are triggered when an avatar walks on a furni.

(Trigger) User Walks Off Furni: Effects are triggered when an avatar walks off a furni.

Welcoming Message Set: Contains all the Furni you need to set up a welcoming message that appears when someone enters your room.

(Effect) Toggle Furni State: This Effect changes the state of the chosen Furni as if the Furni has just been double clicked.

22 replies on “More informations about "Wired Furni" -edit2”

I think it eat anything else! To purchase a program fails Kanstad!? BAD! If so you have to buy them, how and what? It looks like there is a program at all gentle and not something you buy and six button icons kånstogt! for a program! Do not -.- '

Hmm, no it's from Habbo ;)

Think before post - We can find stuff ourselves. If we take the images from Habbos, then we give credits.

Enough with the complaints about why Wired furni should be free... Of course you'll have to buy the furni with CREDITS (like all other furni items.) And to whoever said they hope they can buy the furni with pixels, you my friend are really really dumb...

People can still be annoyed at how money oriented habbo has gotten. Even if they need to make money in order to keep going, everything has become over capitalized on.
Look at battle ball for example. It used to cost 6c to play 20 times, and then, even BETTER, it became completely free once Bb reloaded came along. Now, however, although playing is free, it can cost up to 100c just to create an average field. Or look at VIP club. Ever notice how the majority of the updates go towards it? Remember the times when updates were for everyone (apart from maybe clothing, and a few new rooms).
I think people are just expressing their disatisfaction with the fact that habbo has not given ANYTHING for free as of late, even many new updates. People are getting restless at the fact that even updates have changed the hotel to make money alone (remember how they edited the exchange rate?). So you have to admit, it would be nice to have just one free update again, like the old days.

Sorry for raging about this, I do not know what got into me. ;)

[quote=N10546] [quote=N10546]

Funny thing is from what I can remember when SS and BB were free, many players actually preferred to pay for game tickets as gold, silver and bronze dragons were awards to the top 3 players for each month and badges for the top 20.

Note: This is from Habbo AU/NZ.

@Kotisu; You are right there (It was that way in .ca as well). Sorry about the earlier rant. However, habbo still has made this update in order to capitalize. 6c worth of tickets does not make them as much money as 100c just to build a small arena.

The wired furni has really stupid limitations, so at the moment it really isn't worth it. I wish somebody had told me this. :P

For example, here's a few things that I considered to be logical enough to try but they just don't work for no apparent reason:
1. Syncing double click of a lamp with a room dimmer so, if you turn off the lamp, the whole room goes darker.
2. Having an item rotate rather than the double-click function, in order to create interesting puzzles.
3. Syncing a switch with the Wheel of Fortune.
4. Syncing a switch to start or stop a timer (so, at the end of a race, they are able to stop it themselves to prove whether or not they made it in time)

It goes on and on. The password one is particularly annoying because, in theory, it should work great in a standard trivia game. But if you utter the password, it makes you whisper it. Which is good. But it isn't optional. You can't turn this off.

Annoying, annoying, annoying.

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