Imported News

Habbo.DK, NO & SE are next - UPDATE!

Hi Again,

We now already know almost all Moderators are being made redundant, and new Moderator from (foreign/singapore) countries replace them. Now recently there were lots of updates in Moderation.

[FR] Nov-2007 / Nov 2007 All FR Moderators were made redundant, Moderators from Marocco/Ecuador? replaced them.
[CA] Oct-2009 / Dec 2009 All CA Moderators were made redundant, Moderators from Singapore replaced them.
[US] Oct-2009 / Dec 2009 All US Moderators were made redundant, Moderators from Singapore replaced them.
[UK] Oct-2009 / May 2010 All UK Moderators were made redundant, Moderators from Singapore replaced them.
[DE] Feb 2010 / Mar 2010 Nearly all DE Moderators were made redundant, Moderators from Singapore? replaced them.
[AU] May 2010 / Jun 2010 All AU Moderators were made redundant, Moderators from Singapore replaced them.
[IT] Sep 2010 / Sep 2010 All IT Moderators were made redundant, Moderators from Singapore? replaced them.
[CH] Oct 2010 / Oct 2010 Most CH Moderators were made redundant, Moderators from Singapore? replaced them.
[ES] Jun 2010 / Oct 2010 All ES Moderators were made redundant, Moderators from Singapore? replaced them.

And now its HabboNO, HabboDK and HabboSE. These Moderators are all new, and probably will be replacing the current Moderation team.:
[NO] 1. MOD-Greiemaria, Nov 2010 -
[NO] 2. MOD-Hegemaster, Nov 2010 -
[NO] 3. MOD-Lillemargar, Nov 2010 -
[NO] 4. MOD-Runedenhippe, Nov 2010 -

[SE] 1. MOD-Baaicon, Nov 2010 -
[SE] 2. MOD-Extmattiask, Nov 2010 -
[SE] 3. MOD-GlacierGuy, Nov 2010 -
[SE] 4. MOD-Hombrero, Nov 2010 -
[SE] 5. MOD-Lillaextand, Nov 2010 -
[SE] 6. MOD-Milllli, Nov 2010 -
[SE] 7. MOD-Rantzau, Nov 2010 -
[SE] 8. MOD-Extgabr, Nov 2010 - / MOD-Extgabr on HabboDK
[SE] 9. MOD-Extjacan, Nov 2010 - / MOD-Extjacan on HabboDK
[SE] 10. MOD-Hrextlot, Nov 2010 - / MOD-Hrextlot on HabboDK
[SE] 11. MOD-Ladyexthel, Nov 2010
/ MOD-Ladyexthel on HabboDK

[DK] 1. MOD-Extgabr, Nov 2010 - / MOD-Extgabr on HabboSE
[DK] 2. MOD-Extjacan, Nov 2010 - / MOD-Extjacan on HabboSE
[DK] 3. MOD-Hrextlot, Nov 2010 - / MOD-Hrextlot on HabboSE

We will inform you when we find out more,
Want to know more: (We are still updating!),

Yucca & Roan100

19 replies on “Habbo.DK, NO & SE are next - UPDATE!”

Why are those Ex-mods not Protesting?
Also fuck $ulake. There needs something to be done with them. They can't just simple switch mods for fucking not the right language speaking mods.
The only thing that they think of is fucking $

What I don't get, why would someone from Singapore work as a Moderator on a Norwegian/Swedish hotel when they don't even know the language? In that case, only norwegian/swedish MODs would be replaced with norwegian/swedish MODs. In that case, it would be just a waste?

I don't really believe in this before we get the real facts. There could also be a hole in the system so anyone who knows how to do it would be able to make fake MODs accounts.

Time will tell for sure, but I don't really think this is true. In that case, we wouldn't have MODs now because they would quit in protest before new MODs would arrive.


Because they are Moderators who both speak English, and the language for the hotel they are working for. (Online positions confirm that). We have also confirmation from different kind of sources, so dont argue. Just believe, we have the facts - you dont.

Love Yucca

It's true, The moderators of are next. It's the beginning of a worldwide merge.
Ther will be one big Habbo hotel in the first half of 2011. All different countries in one big hotel.
Never mind the value of your sup's. You'll be compensated with worthless new furnis. But don't worry, they are just pixels. Enjoy the game, the game continues.

It wouldn't matter anyway if we get some weird language in NL, mods don't do anything useful not even when someone is robbed of all his furni's.

Hate mods...but loved to get banned :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) fawken fawken fawken fawken fawken what's with the whole bunch of mods when habbo isn't getting cooler definitely lame lame foo`

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