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Hidden features which are coming soon!


Some hidden features in the catalog have been found. For xmas 2010 you'll be able to buy some furnis with Snowflakes or/and credits !
The snowflakes are a kind of pixels (activity points). You can win snowflakes when you accept a quest. Here is an example :

Dimix20 & Privilege

Update by -=Colaman=-

Another new feature is the "Logout" button on top of the client, you'll be able to sign out faster.

25 replies on “Hidden features which are coming soon!”

this is a EXAMPLE so this may not be the piece of furni you can get :l as the new christmas furni hasnt been released

I really wonder how HabboTimes.NET (the german bullshit of international noobs) stolen this picture in lower than a hour. Interesting, what? :-)


I thought there was finally going to be an other option for getting furniture without buying shit all the time, useless snowflake shit. Messed up game I can't even compare it anymore with how Habbo was 5 years ago.


It's not going to specifically be that furni. The furni will be part of the Winter 2010 line, this is just an example.

Stfuu naabs Sulake does have a test hotel just do some research on google and get a verification and you're done -,-

New feature's for Habbo Home's soon?
"Yesterday was a remarkable Habbo Home in found. That of PatrickPacard.
On his Habbo Home was a control for you "Habbo ID" could remove. These disappeared but once you page revamped was his Habbo ID back. There was also a flash guestbook at Habbo Home. This too has now disappeared. Thanks Habbocean we still found a picture of this event. (

If that is true, and it would be able for all Habbos it would be cool.
Hope they will update Habbo Home's soon, some new widgets or something cool..


Tuurlijk jongen! Bel 112 en zeg dat je van habbo bent, dan krijg je 100 miljoen miljard credits. :')

These snowflakes look like a lot of bullshit to me. Probably a sort of second pixels, to make you even more active. The cat-action wasn't enough. Well, they're kinda correct because earlier this year there were about all year 'round 10.000+ habbos online in, but now it's only 5.000 or less. That's a big decrease for just one year. You'd think that al the advertisements they make should attrackt more people...

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