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We are currently looking for a new designer. If you have interest, please leave a comment below or send me an e-mail using the contact page.

Please do NOT leave your e-mail address at this page. If you want this job and you don't have an account please create one. I will get your e-mail address from our database.

You NEED to have MSN.
You need to be available 1 or 2 days a week.

This job is not on our "Jobs page".

8 replies on “Designer!”

I'm available and I want to be a part of the Puhekupla staff by being a designer.
I have MSN and I am often available for 5 days a week.

P.S. I visit PUHEKUPLA everyday for new articles :)


I'm dutch.
I make webdesignes for sites, I have made it for & & and more but there are offline!
My msn: [email protected] (I know i may not say it but i don't have this email in the system.
I'm everyday available! ;)

Greets Waterlily

Hi Mark :)

I would love to join the team of Puhekupla, I visit probably almost everyday and think I can be a good contributer to the team. I'm very good with graphics, and am available most of the time :) 3/4 days a week.

I use MSN all the time (not the one in your database, but we can organise that).

Hope to chat soon! Just e-mail me!

- Vado

Hey Puhekupla.

I am a manager at the largest Danish official fansite, I manage the website, have 2 years experience and have made 4 themes for the website. I have also written 264 really cool articles!

I've made a lot pixel-art and has created many designs. I'm online all 7 days a week and I have MSN and Skype. I am a Dane and is 15 years old - 16 to December. ;)

I'm Single and ready to mingle anytime , anywhere...( don't listen to them they're all liars )

I can design I am known for my designs on,,, & many more and I am very experianced.

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