Imported News

Release 63 - Build 62 - Update
Release 63 - Build 62
24-11-2010 16:21

New xmas clothes :
Release 63 - Build 73


27 replies on “Release 63 - Build 62 - Update”

Hey Puhekupla!

I have a little breaking news! On Friday, the 17th December, publishes Habbo a completely new game! It will be called "Freeze! Ice". It is written in 's text file! I quote: "quest_xmas10_DAY16.completed.desc = A Christmas Miracle! By passing this gate you're nu kunne play Freeze! The brand new Habbo game released tomorrow." "Quest_xmas10_DAY17.desc = FREEZE! Ice released today, men If It's Too Much For You just take this day two Gather your strength." Is this something you can use? ;)

Greetings from SuperShake :D

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