Imported News

Coming soon..

.. 5 new wired furnis !
3 new actions and 2 new conditions. They are almost all game specific and still under development.

A big thanks to privilege

You can also follow me on twitter now !

16 replies on “Coming soon..”

First one for ?
Second one for making x happen if given amount (eg. 5 to 10) of players in game
Third one for selecting team for ?
Fourth one for moving items if ?
Fifth one for giving x amount of pois x times per game for chosen team

[quote=N11406] ikr penis
id rather c that orgy furni on .com than more wired furni at least u can get horney off of orgy furni and then u can hav sex onit 2

AHAHHAA I Know privilege and his hotel lol its a cool beta hotel with everything ! it has always like 500 online very cool I play that hotel already 6-7 months And I'm the richest ;o NOT LYING !


New hotel? I wud be interested to join If I know the name? Kinda tired of crowded hotel.. lol. ahahaha

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