Imported News

Valentine's event

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Thanks to and Bienvenue


quest_val11_DAY01.title=Day 1
quest_val11_DAY01.short=Welcome back to Heartbreak Hotel
quest_val11_DAY01.desc=You’ve been here before, had fun and married a bot... apparently. But you can’t remember anything about what happened or who the bot is... Maybe you should start looking for clues in the bathroom?
quest_val11_DAY01.completed.desc=Vivaaa Las Vegas! Before leaving this morning, the bot was singing that song in the shower…

quest_val11_DAY02.title=Day 2
quest_val11_DAY02.short=Sweet Dreams
quest_val11_DAY02.desc=So, you still can’t remember what happened, right? Have some rest it might come back to you later…
quest_val11_DAY02.completed.desc=Now you remember! The bot was here, in your room! Snoring so loud you could hardly sleep…

quest_val11_DAY03.title=Day 3
quest_val11_DAY03.short=Night Disturbance
quest_val11_DAY03.desc=Other customers complained about the noise coming from your toilet the other night…
quest_val11_DAY03.completed.desc=It seems that you and the bot spent part of the night flushing toilets because the bot found it very funny and there was nothing else to do... It really made sense at the time… Oh boy, what a crazy moment…

quest_val11_DAY04.title=Day 4
quest_val11_DAY04.short=No towels in the bathroom!
quest_val11_DAY04.desc=NO TOWELS? What sort of hotel is this? Go complain in the Welcome Lounge or… could this be linked to what happened last night?
quest_val11_DAY04.completed.desc=The bot warned you: a bot can’t resist stealing things from hotels. Maybe it’s wiser not to call the Welcome Lounge after all…

quest_val11_DAY05.title=Day 5
quest_val11_DAY05.short=An offer you cannot refuse...
quest_val11_DAY05.desc=Don Bobbaschi needs to talk to you. He says you have something that belongs to him… Really? What did you do?! Seek out the Don to find out.
quest_val11_DAY05.completed.desc=You found a safe that you and the bot "borrowed" from the Don the other night. But it’s empty… Seems the bot isn't only out to take towels…

quest_val11_DAY06.title=Day 6
quest_val11_DAY06.short=Roller Boogie
quest_val11_DAY06.desc=You didn’t know Heartbreak Hotel had a Roller skating rink? Look for clues there...
quest_val11_DAY06.completed.desc="2" - that’s the bot’s shoesize! You took part in the Midnight Roller Disco Contest. Too bad, Don and his wife won the trophy…

quest_val11_DAY07.title=Day 7
quest_val11_DAY07.short=Babble Fish
quest_val11_DAY07.desc=Hmmm... that fountain looks familiar… For some reason, you may learn something from that fish…
quest_val11_DAY07.completed.desc=Fish, Pisces: it's the bot’s zodiac sign! You took a bath in that fountain, but the bot started to rust…

quest_val11_DAY08.title=Day 8
quest_val11_DAY08.short=Eye of the Tiger
quest_val11_DAY08.desc=Uh-Oh, the famous lion tamers Siegfied & Roy want to see you. They are wondering if you liked their show… Show? When did you go there? Meet S&R to find out.
quest_val11_DAY08.completed.desc=Found it! But the tiger seems a bit "different" now. Maybe you pushed things a bit too far when you tried to impress the bot by roaring back at the tiger? Seems he had a heart attack!

quest_val11_DAY09.title=Day 9
quest_val11_DAY09.short=Like dad, like Bot
quest_val11_DAY09.desc=That antique statue... it might be a sign that the gods can help you out…
quest_val11_DAY09.completed.desc=Now you remember! Neptune: the name of the bot’s father.

quest_val11_DAY10.title=Day 10
quest_val11_DAY10.short=Room Service
quest_val11_DAY10.desc=Aren’t you hungry? Why don’t you pick up some food at the Hotel Restaurant ?
quest_val11_DAY10.completed.desc=Back at your place you called room service to order caviar for you and some screws for the bot: his favorite food!

quest_val11_DAY11.title=Day 11
quest_val11_DAY11.short=Pimp my Ride
quest_val11_DAY11.desc=You need some fresh air today. Why don’t you hop in a cab and do a city tour? It will refresh your mind!
quest_val11_DAY11.completed.desc=You took that cab before! It was after the wedding. You can even remember the license plate : BOBBA 666. Good omen.

quest_val11_DAY12.title=Day 12
quest_val11_DAY12.short=Viva Las Vegas!
quest_val11_DAY12.desc=Elvis called. He needs you to take today’s shift at the Chapel. Look him up and see if he can help you.
quest_val11_DAY12.completed.desc=Heartbreak Chapel: That’s the place were you and the bot got married by the King, himself! Vegas, baby...

quest_val11_DAY13.title=Day 13
quest_val11_DAY13.short=Lucky Day
quest_val11_DAY13.desc=So you married a bot… That’s not something you just do. What happened?! Maybe trying your luck at the slot machines will refresh your memory…
quest_val11_DAY13.completed.desc=Hmmm… great pixel soda… Wait a second… that’s what you gave the bot to help it recover from the pool incident!

quest_val11_DAY14.title=Day 14
quest_val11_DAY14.short=Love At First Sight
quest_val11_DAY14.desc=Now that you almost recovered your memory, it’s about time to learn how you met the bot and who it is. Breathe. Relax: Have a bath!
quest_val11_DAY14.completed.desc=Bots can’t swim and you saved it from drowning at the Hotel Pool! Fortunately you gave it the kiss of life. And it all started there…

quest_val11.completed.currency=REWARD: %amount% Hearts
quest_val11.completed.reward=Here is your reward for remembering! Spend it in the Catalog before February 17th. Check in every day until February 13th for a new Valentine's Quest and collect all the hints to discover the Bot's identity!
quest_val11.currency=You have: %amount% Hearts
quest_val11.reward.desc=%amount% Hearts you can use to buy Heart gifts from the Catalog before February 17.
quest_val11.type_find_hidden_stuff.requirement=Accept the quest, then find and double click the Furni you need to complete the quest.
quest_val11.type_find_stuff.requirement=Accept the quest, then find and double click the %name% Furni to complete the quest.
quest_val11.type_give_badge.requirement=Accept the quest, then find and give a Badge to complete the quest.

11 replies on “Valentine's event”

Damn, why can't I just control my need to score these badges. Even though these extremely pinkhearted achievements don't really look awesome to me, I already know I'm not going to be able to resist getting them.

Oehh that sounds like a cool event its like 'you got drunk at the party and didn't know what you did' > "¿How can we find this out?" > Complete all quest and you will see what happened > 'You married a robot, for example.'

Haha i really gonna like this i think =D
Those 'furni' on the background are really cool, i love the neptune statue <3

uwaaa......XO...the day 5 quest is ssssooooo hard! do u guys know the answer?? ...if u dont wanna give...pls tell me some clues..pretty pls.. ;)

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