Furni Imported News

More Valentine's Furni!

Sorry for the delay, we had some technical problems.

Bling Furni

[furni="bling11_wall1"] [furni="bling11_wall2"] [furni="bling11_wall3"] [furni="bling11_wall4"]


Quest Furni

[furni="qt_val11_discoball"] [furni="qt_val11_duckformer"] [furni="qt_val11_heartlights"] [furni="qt_val11_holoduck"]
[furni="qt_val11_holoheart"] [furni="qt_val11_jellychair"] [furni="qt_val11_jellyheart"] [furni="qt_val11_nest"]

Valentine Furni

[furni="val11_chair"] [furni="val11_playa"] [furni="val11_rail"]

Pet furni

35 replies on “More Valentine's Furni!”

You'll bei able to give Badges to your friends. The Guide Bot in .com has a new Button: infostand.button.givebadge

New badges were found in Badge finds here with name ValentinesBadgeReceived1. You get these ^^

Hope you like :p

o.o Wow.. I've already spend 131 coins on the last furnis xD Lawl. Hehe..
Try to see what I've maked on paint.NET? o.o
--- A title I've made to a RPG I'm making with a friend xP ---
--- 4 badges made to a project I'm making with 2 habbos on DK (Habbo Denmark) ---

I hope there's coming more Quest furni, this is just crap :@
Also, a lizard as pet would be awesome.. (LL)

I like both of the holo furni's (duck+heart). Glad you have to spend creds on them too, making them tradeable (Y)

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