Furni Imported News

SPIDERS ! - Update

Hey ;) We just founded a new pet in R64 files : Spiders !
The hole pet system will change, we are not going to give you more information now, only this :

Please, if you want to take this picture, thank Privilege &


Dimix20, LY-Rii-xX and Privilege !

- Update by Bienvenue
The spider have 13 races/colors.

26 replies on “SPIDERS ! - Update”

I hope Habbo will soon make weird pets like: The Cheeps, Squids, and zombies. Soo, spiders seems like a good start I guess.

I not 100 % sure, but that spider looking fake because it´s too big that terrarium :S

- O9R8KORIS / KORIS-98, Finland

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