Imported News

Don't worry !

Hello, puhekupla is having some problems. We are trying to fix it. Don't worry !
Puhekupla team

8 replies on “Don't worry !”

"Some problems" ;P ... this is why JS should be disabled in CMS... also, why does anyone have access to your footer-code, that's bizarre - surely. >_O
- Alex (Shenk).

Wana fix it any time soon? Mostof your users can't even get onto this page without redirecting now... ;P
All you need to do is go into the CMS translator tool and remove the Javascript injection... does no one online have acess to it?!
- Alex (Shenk).

Hi shenk,
Mark is on holiday and he's the only one how have access to these files..
We have to wait for him..

You guys... dont you have anything else to do?
u_u'' this is such an imature idea
get a life dudes...

Fair enough Dimix20, I don't really know what to suggest in that case...
At least the blog-site he was hosting the image on has removed it due to it's NSFW content. ;P
- Alex (Shenk).

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