Furni Imported News

I found my jar of dirt!

[furni="computer_flatscreen"] [furni="computer_laptop"] [furni="computer_old"] [furni="tv_flat"]


[furni="waasa_chair"] [furni="waasa_desk"] [furni="waasa_ship1"] [furni="waasa_ship2"]
[furni="waasa_table1"] [furni="waasa_table2"] [furni="waasa_wall_shelf1"] [furni="waasa_wall_shelf2"]


15 replies on “I found my jar of dirt!”

If you double click it in habbo it will go to blue screen, you can test it out somewhere like habbotimes

[quote=N11753] They're in the Dutch Hotel too. :)
And yeah, sorry for my not-well-thought sarcastic comment :P

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