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More Waasa furni



8 replies on “More Waasa furni”

Aquarium is nice, maybe you can buy fish! :D
Is that newbie nest identical to the old pet nest? [u]If it is why do they add it again?[/u] :S

Maybe they saying it because they CAN see it. Maybe you can't, but they maybe can. :)

Oh yeah, secret [i]sulake forum leaks [/i]brought out this:
- Trax is coming back as soon as possible, could be lower than a month (Wednesday, 16th March)
- Friendbar should be published (Monday, 07th March)
- Animated Hotelview will have a comeback (Monday, 07th March)

Oh, and the news reporters of are assholes, copying my MSN Texts and they claim them as own finds []

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