Furni Imported News

Release 64 - Return of an old friend!


Well it is a good idea. Let's all e-mail Sulake the link to this article and show them how much we love our camera.

Release 64
We reported yesterday Sulake updated their test hotel to release 64. At first, there was nothing new. But today's update contains a lot of new old stuff. Some hardcore Habbo players might recognize this new stuff so.. please welcome back...

the camera!

As I'm writing this article, the test hotel is on:

Test Hotel
Release 64 - Build 13
30-03-2011 17:15

The features below contain a few bugs, and I'm not sure if all screenshots are screenshots of the final version of the camera but this should give a general idea. We keep watching the test hotel for new builds and stuff and we'll try to keep you updated.

- Mark (L)



[furni="digital_camera"] [furni="digital_photo"]

Camera interface


Hot Campaign Button


Home Widget

FINALLY! A new Habbo Home widget!

89 replies on “Release 64 - Return of an old friend!”


Dislike if it's April Fool

Finnish: Ihan tyhmää jos se on aprillipila :(( Ja joo, oon habbossa Ex!! :))



Congratulation & respects because it's really well prepared ! (L) [/b]

I thought you didn't posted about new topstorys anymore? :P Anyways.. very nice fool this time :)

Norman meeting

riday there will be a big surprise. A project "Top Secret" that the staff worked for months. ( ITS NOT APRIL FOOL... THE CAMERA RETURN :D)

Traxmachine: need to wait but the works are going on.

The BOT will not arrive in the Library for now.

Nothing new Public Area in the project, are focusing on the private room.

[u][b]If you guys were going to do such an unbelievable April Fool's joke, you should have hired a better pixel artist. :x [/b][/u]

Happy April Fools? Did your Pixel artist forget to add the Friends Bar which is in r64 too? I'm actually hoping this isn't a joke.

If this is a April Fools joke, seriously, I will hate Puhekupla forever. If it's release: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! =D


Friends bar only works if you hav friends.
Test hotel, Mark obviously has no friends on test hotel..

But why date doesn't match with "At first, there was nothing new. But today's update contains a lot of new old stuff." ??? :S

Bad April fool =( It isnt 1 april yet.! :S

Badges in .png -> normaly .gif, "... camera's ... ". Failed. ^^


Of course he has no friends in the test hotel, he nor anyone else has access to it. No matter how hard you try, the test hotel is only available to Sulake, no one else.

Quit pretending you guys have access to it, please. It's getting very old.

I myself have a habbo fansite but I do not know what the link is from the habbo test hotel

Can you please mail the link?


Send the answer here in the mail to: [email protected]

:S, If you knew how happy I was when I read this, you would never make such a stupid fool anymore :S, these aren't funny jokes... it's just sad habbo doesn't understand that we want this stuff back!! :'( :'(

It's an April Fools I think, the mouth on the girl in the Top Stories and campaign button is a pixel or two off..

They have put together a story so making a joke? Excite all users who play Habbo Hotel of all, I am of Spanish and I find it totally wrong to do this sort of thing.
IT'S ALL LIES! and if you erase this comment, I can confirm I that is a lie.

I'm assuming it isn't April fools, considering Habbo doesn't warn you when you type 'cam' anymore. :p

If this is a big joke, I will not be using Puhekupla any more. It's one thing to have a little joke but to get the hopes up of old and new players is another thing and it's a truley horrible thing to do. The Camera was a much loved thing and if you crush people they'll rebel, and not use your website, if this is all true then well done, if not then goodbye.

It's not a fake, the April fools is out now, look! [url=][/url] which seems more realistic, the camera, or the warfare? Definitley the camera, and the dates add up aswell 2nd of April, a day before April fools day.

So the chances are the Camera thing ISN'T a fake. :D

Moet wel 1 april zijn, want op geen enkele andere site zie je de furni staan. ook niet op en ook niet bij habbotimes...

This actually shouldn't be a fool, habbo has to bring those cool things back, just like diving, trax etc!!! We have to make them this clear!


Habbo Warfare is Habbo's official April Fools prank. This camera is Puhekupla's April Fools Prank. Habbo have nothing to do with this stunt and chances are the Camera will come back eventually, just not in Version 64.

Puhekupla posted It 2 day's BEFORE the of April.
A bit early for an April fool, right?

Here is few examples why those aren't real.

[b]Example 1:[/b]
None of any other official fansites have reported of this.

[b]Example 2:[/b]
None of my or other fansite badge/furnidatafinders haven't found any of these from any folders of or other hided servers or server logs.

[b]Example 3:[/b]
Those pictures have .png and .gif, which means this is fake. They should be .gif or .png only, not both.

[b]Example 4:[/b]
Habbo wouldn't do such bad graphics for badges or furniture.

[b]Example 5:[/b]
Look at the dates of the both camera pictures.

[b]Example 6:[/b]
Usually there is no ready-texts in the official test hotel. They are usually like, friendbar.follow, you know...

[b]Example 7:[/b]
What the heck is wrong with the font in the camera card badge. The font is broken, it should be clean.

[b]Example 8:[/b]
Last year they made April Fools 1 day before the official day. So, here we are again. 2 days before official day, so? It doesn't mean anything.

[b]Example 9:[/b]

Looks like this year's April Fools was pretty easy to guess...

Oh! And here is evidence that the badges folder is the right one I said on the last comment...


It goes to the official badgefolder, which SHOULD include ALL badges. So, [u]epic fail[/u].

Well considering, you don't get warned for saying the word cam anymore, AND I used the help tool to ask if the cam is coming back, and they said it's in works.

[b]Stupid cunts[/b], I won't be using this pile of shit site any more. Maybe take a read of all these comments, from all these disapointed users.

i've sent a mail via the habbo help tool with a link to this article, come on guys if you want to do some things and if you want the old camera back, the only thing you can do is sending this link to Sulake / habbo!!

Good joke, first I thought it was real but then I realized it was the 1st of April.

It would be nice if the cam comes back, but it's easy to script with them, so I think it won't come back until they have resolved the script thingie.

Good. It would be great if this was real. But - Even without the facts, ppls could see that this was fake? Why up to april... and without shadows on some images xP Lol, just small details. Hehe :P

A "Database"-wired-thing, connected to the following...
[i]Wired effect: Add habboname to data
Wired condition: Habbo is in database
Wired effect: Remove habboname from data
Wired effect: Set saved stats for habbo
--- Cool, huh? xD Ex. like you can save a playername and number/string? :P Or even furni-position ect. :3

[b]Other wired:[/b]
[i]Wired effect: Give habbo health
Wired trigger: Habbo got hurt by another habbo
Wired effect: Heal/Hurt habbo
Wired trigger: Habbo has died
Wired trigger: Habbo leaved the room[/i]

---(Ex. to games where you shall survive from zombies, must not fall... like the effect "give score", just also with -?)


Hehe... to the comment below.
[b]What's YOUR fav. wired-item, if these would arrive? :D[/b]

Post " (Y)" xD

It could be great to save ex. a clock at a game or something? Hehe...

Here is few examples why those aren't real.

Example 1:
None of any other official fansites have reported of this.

Example 2:
None of my or other fansite badge/furnidatafinders haven't found any of these from any folders of or other hided servers or server logs.

Example 3:
Those pictures have .png and .gif, which means this is fake. They should be .gif or .png only, not both.

Example 4:
Habbo wouldn't do such bad graphics for badges or furniture.

Example 5:
Look at the dates of the both camera pictures.

Example 6:
Usually there is no ready-texts in the official test hotel. They are usually like, friendbar.follow, you know...

Example 7:
What the heck is wrong with the font in the camera card badge. The font is broken, it should be clean.

Example 8:
Last year they made April Fools 1 day before the official day. So, here we are again. 2 days before official day, so? It doesn't mean anything.

Example 9:

Looks like this year's April Fools was pretty easy to guess...
Lets see! Ur wrong :P
The friendship bar has already arrived at so this isnt fake :P
So if i would be u than id just wait and see ^^

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