Imported News

Norman's meeting [UPDATE]

Another meeting and news are coming!

- Friday will start the event "Wedding". :D
- Trax soon. :S
- New clothes :D
- New types of rooms. :o
- Soon new furnis and will be free. :o
- New games are coming. :D

It happened in a meeting with German hotel manager and he said some Spextor news

- New wired are almost ready. :)
- Soon, new competitions. :)
- New rare is coming. :o
- Novelties to comment on the news. :o
- New achievements for the games are already being designed. :)

10 replies on “Norman's meeting [UPDATE]”

- Friday will start the event "Wedding".

- Trax soon.
Trax is already here?

- New clothes
Always more clothes :P

- New types of rooms.
Finally :D

- Soon new furnis and will be free.
Nice (H)

- New games are coming.
I hope not stupid games as the same as ice tag.


Trax allready here ? xD

Why People CANT read. Its the Jukebox ! and not the Trax....

[b]- Friday will start the event "Wedding". [/b]
Kate and harry

-[b] Trax soon. [/b]
Make your own music

Did they mean that Flee game and these Battle Banzai "upgrades"? They've already had it in their te******ls for months, lol.

"[b]Les commandes de staffs (roomshutup & roomkick)[/b] arriveront par l'intermédiaire des[b] Wired mais uniquement pour les staffs dans un premier temps[/b]" [i]Habbor[/i]


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