Imported News

News News! [UPDATE]

New build Habbo Hotel English!

A few weeks Spextor manager, said that novelties to comment on the news. (Noticia in )
Comment on the news with Facebook:

Now when you register an account at the Hotel English, already comes with the new furnis!

9 replies on “News News! [UPDATE]”

Ugh, this new font stuff looks terrible, especially with the reddish color they've used aswell :S Not sure why they're destroying Habbo.

I also thought the adding comments to articles would be good, but now with the Facebook comment thingo, it's nothing special. It will now probably make all articles look messy and gross now.

Way to go, Habbo :)

Yes, the 'Me' button in the menu left is bigger. Not only the head of your Habbo will be showed up.

They've also changed it so that if you hover your mouse over a Habbo, it shows their name.

Kind of like how it used to be, when the gray bar was at the bottom.

The bottom thing about getting furni when u create a new account is over a week old and did not come with this build release, it came when the pixel furni came out

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