Imported News


New products in the catalog, new foors, views and walls:

Change in inventory

navigator.roomsettings.wall_thickness.normal=Normal walls
navigator.roomsettings.wall_thickness.thinnest=Thinnest walls
navigator.roomsettings.wall_thickness.thin=Thin walls
navigator.roomsettings.wall_thickness.thick=Thick walls
navigator.roomsettings.floor_thickness.thick=Thick floors
navigator.roomsettings.floor_thickness.thinnest=Thinnest floors
navigator.roomsettings.floor_thickness.normal=Normal floors
navigator.roomsettings.floor_thickness.thin=Thin floors
navigator.roomsettings.allow_walk_through=Room blocking Disabled

Room with new info!

Basic settings:

Advanced settings:

New walls! (In order).. thinnest, thin & thick walls:

Change Friendbar:

Open spoiler

Change Trade

Code: the items you'd like to trade in the box below. If you're trading a Jukebox, make sure you have no discs inside it!

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