Imported News


Build485 brings new clothes
Puhekupla exclusive

10 replies on “NEW CLOTHES!”

Bueno! =]
[i]Via: Habbid[/i]

USERVOICE IS BACK! VOLTAR FONT PETITION NOW HAS 904 VOTES!!!!!!! :party: :party: :party: (LL) (LL) (LL) (A) (A) (A)

[quote=N12403] We are aware of this, but Habbo isn't going to change the font back... so I think we've given up :o

:o, now I hate Habbo... >:(. They have to let us be able to change the way Habbo looks. Like the type of lettres , color of menu bar etc. And let us be able to get rid of the friends bar and the "describing-words for noobies" under the icons in the menu bar.

Btw, do you guys need someone that translates the newsitems into Dutch? I'm Dutch and I can speak English very well because I speak English half the time I am @ school because I'm in a special kind of class :D.

I like then but they look a bit sexually suggested.

See, this is what they mean by 'early sexulisation'!

[quote=N12407] I kind of agree, although I think it's for Summer. It looks like swimming clothes. But yeah, it's a bit weird.

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