Blogs Imported

Summer plans?!


As you might have noticed there is not a lot going on lately on the site. Because I'm very busy with my school and some other project I don't have time for Puhekupla. I'm planning a few things for this summer and want to give you a little sneak peak!

Planned for this summer:
Return of PixelBlitz
Other layout (Habbo Style)
Some gadgets (like a Trax remaker, show new badges, and more).
Return of the "Dump" (a place where we can post all Backgrounds, Stickers and other images not news worthy)
Home page for users
Forum (not sure, please give feedback how you would like to see this)
VIP will be improved with more options

This is the list for now, if you have some more good ideas please leave them in the comments.

Please leave a reaction in the comments, good ideas/feedback will receive VIP!



17 replies on “Summer plans?!”

A 'dump' place where everyone can post his own rumours and news. So puhekupla will be up-to-date. Now there's only once a week a new article..

[quote=B580] You can become VIP by leaving your best reactions in the comments section (Y) If one of us staff members (Mainly Mark) deems it worthy of VIP, then guess what ;]

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