Imported News

Release 63 - Build 499 [UPDATE]

Another Update, The (NEW) Button On The Sidebar !!

Finally Found What That Down Button Does!

Its To Announce You Completed A Quest. im Sure Were Preety Familiar With The Other Buttons By Now...

Not sure what build were upto yet now... because of so many updates...
But heres something i just recently found:


Before Habbo hits the 500 mark, they released a few changes.

There have also been several changes in the catalogue, including the latest icons for Furni By Item:

Rock Teleport Is Here:

I'm not sure if this is new but in here, achievement buttons have been bigger and more readable. These buttons were found last month.

11 replies on “Release 63 - Build 499 [UPDATE]”

Rock teleport isnt that new, but it came with the bundle of picnic furni :) and all those other things were included in previous articles by dimix XD

Just edited with the Rock teleport link, finally found the picnic furni, after searching havickly through the archives >_<

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