Imported News


New friend requests system ????

There are new stuff available in the catalogue.

The skateboard is now for sale!

The skateboard effects are selling for 139 pixels (HC & VIP) and 1 credit for norms.

There are also new furni too, as reported previously here.

The skateboard effect was previously found here.

Updates ive just recently found, nothing big, but:

ive just found that when your mouse hovers over a link, its now highlighted!
Heres some examples:

Another update:
The pixel effects preview has now been changed to the standardised furni background.

5 replies on “BUILD 511 [UPDATE3]”

[small]Effects is the last build. :'(
Blue: incomplete
red: not started
Green: complete.

Sorry if you do not understand, I'm using google translator! (C) [/small]

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