Imported News

BUILD 588 and BUILD 595 [UPDATE2]

What's New on the Friendbar:
Exclusive to Puhekupla

Thanks -=Colaman=- for the image.

New clothes


There is also yellow lightning.

More soon...

Thanks spion.gangster for the image.

16 replies on “BUILD 588 and BUILD 595 [UPDATE2]”

FRIGGIN STOP IT. Someone is deleting the article of build 595 or w/e THEN putting it here, then deleting it and making an article. I swear I'll report it.. -.-

Where's the console ?
Maybe it's the new system in the friendbar ? It might be showed when we clic "List all friends"...

Noi salamat liittyy varmaan jotenkin tohon kamulistaan ku tossa on sininen salama kaverilistan kohdalla.

I dont think they are replacing the console, just adding an update feed to the friends bar.

@Showlol, I guess Mark wanted to hire more since you were on vacation and nobody could make Dutch translation.

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