Furni Imported News

Back to School furni -update


Found on 22-08-2011

32 replies on “Back to School furni -update”

Cool! :P And... a bit disgusting xD... But!
Hope it come to DK x.x...

BTS has been on com/uk before, as I know... or Au. Something english-speaking. x.x

More furnis mathin'! :D Maybe teleporter or..? (Y)

These are pretty cool
Except I think the urinal is a bit too industrial, why not the single porcelain ones?
It's great nonetheless, I hope the desks would at least come with different colours though...

I really hope the toilet is a toilet and not a teleporter and what's the bus supposed to be.. just decoration? It has windows which the camper van doesn't. Looks good though! Can't wait.

The windows are transparent and you can sit in the bus, the toilet is also a seat with the closing/opening door @ below

Its called the Human Anatomy. That's like calling a picture of George Washington perverted.

I am happy to report the following:

The "nosale" lockers - [b]school_locker_r_nosale[/b] and [b]school_locker_b_nosale[/b] - are teleports.
The [b]school_charts[/b] and [b]school_chalkboard[/b] have 3 different states.
The [b]school_bus[/b] glasses are transparent.
The [b]school_platform[/b] will have 4 different states, in which double clicking it changes the height.
The[b] school_toilet_wall [/b]and [b]school_urinal[/b] have different states in which the wall can have some vandal signs and the urinal having water.
The [b]school_wall[/b] is a wall item and cannot be placed on the floor.

Lockers will be floor items :)

Will sulake remove the room icons? - Well, in the Debugging Client 63 (a redirection to in test builds) of Sulake you don't see thumbnail-icons for any rooms in the navigator or in the advanced settings.




Proof: [url=][/url]

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