A new pet is coming soon, and its the horse!
Exclusive to Puhekupla
New codes:
["rare pet15","Rare horse and starter food",""]
["a0 pet15","horse and starter food",""]
A new pet is coming soon, and its the horse!
Exclusive to Puhekupla
New codes:
["rare pet15","Rare horse and starter food",""]
["a0 pet15","horse and starter food",""]
33 replies on “Pet Horse”
I love how this isn't exclusive and how it's been on Habbox now for days......
Omy .. its getting worse and worse ..
Horse? =O
Renato *facepalm*
Food for the horse, that is not a rare <-- (?)
And [rare pet15] is a race of the pet, a rare race.
I wonder how it will look.
[quote=N13249] +1
[quote=N13247] The whole thing regarding the possibility of a pet horse has not been on Habbox, though.
Now: [i][b]Via:[/b] Puhekupla[/i]
I love it when Habbos fail.
Up next: a cow to complete the whole farm..
~ ikke-leon (Netherlands)
lol rofl (H) [url=][/url]
[i]Well i do love my horses...but this is gonna make habbo look like michael jacksons neverland ranch :L[/i]
Jes hevonen voikohan sil ratsastaa :D
According to the poll that there was on habbo.com, it will be rideable
Sulake : Let's make a pet SNAIL! This isn't sponge fucking bob you know?
wtf... a horse..? i will ride it so hard.. lmfao :c
always wanted a horse on habbo
Mogen we die net als de kat gratis krijgen?????? Ik hou super veel van paarden.
Build 690 news: http://ishabbo.es/noticias/22
oh dear, new pet is a monster
/Fake. Monster comes also but it doesn't look like that ;)
It's a goron !
The Legend of Zelda <3
I see no picture?
Why the hell would we need another pet? -.-
Espero que seja um novo mascote mesmo, já pensou montar em um cavalo e sair mostrando aos amigos? [PT/BR]
Wow, lets make a room about a farm, yay. With countryside furniture. Yay, and a little farmers hat and straw to go with it.
¡Qué ganas tengo de que llegue!
yyay a horse..:D