Furni Imported News

Pet Horse

A new pet is coming soon, and its the horse!
Exclusive to Puhekupla

New codes:
["rare pet15","Rare horse and starter food",""]
["a0 pet15","horse and starter food",""]


33 replies on “Pet Horse”

Renato *facepalm*
Food for the horse, that is not a rare <-- (?)
And [rare pet15] is a race of the pet, a rare race.

[quote=N13247] The whole thing regarding the possibility of a pet horse has not been on Habbox, though.

[i]Well i do love my horses...but this is gonna make habbo look like michael jacksons neverland ranch :L[/i]

Espero que seja um novo mascote mesmo, já pensou montar em um cavalo e sair mostrando aos amigos? [PT/BR]

Wow, lets make a room about a farm, yay. With countryside furniture. Yay, and a little farmers hat and straw to go with it.

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