BUILD 733.
New codes:
navigator.flatctrls.removeconfirm.title=Remove All Rights?
navigator.cannonaddfavourite.full=Your favorite list is full.
navigator.flatctrls.clear=Clear All rights from ALL users to this room?
navigator.flatctrls.userswithrights=Users with rights (%displayed%/%total%)
navigator.navibutton.9=By Category
navigator.flatctrls.friends=Friends without rights (%displayed%/%total%)
navigator.navisel.myfavourites=My favorite rooms
8 replies on “BUILD 733”
what the hell? you have to give all your friends rights?!
What are you talking about
Another stupid news *facepalm
[quote=N13440] No idiot.
My guess is that habbo is starting to play around with the navigator. Or something with favorite rooms O.o
Looks a bit pointless but I think this is also to do with highlighting every1 on the console
Hm.. I was hoping, that it was like in the old days, when EVERYONE, even users created today or tomorrow (wut?) had rights...
:3 Heh. I'm happy. :o I won a... GOODIEBAG from habbo! xD lol.
And why is Sulake holding back on r64?
Somthing huge is around the corrner I know it :D