Furni Imported News

HABBOWEEN 2011 - Edit





Images: / SuperShake



27 replies on “HABBOWEEN 2011 - Edit”

Looking good! All these new items are like good for building games or roleplay games.. I LIKE IT HABBO GOOD WORK (: - Teemzu from

Ooooh a classic Halloween theme? Awesome!
I was sorta expecting a circus/fairground theme, hmm maybe next year.
They are all looking quite nice (I especially love the floors), I do hope more gets uploaded though, this doesnt quite seem like enough...

I'm disappointed, they promised us fair furni and now this....., the effects are really cool, but the furnis... they're just ugly.

Mark, I think you should remove the 'Something BIG is coming' header, unless something bigger will come. :(

The always correct regarding the effect of the mouth mutants. The Habbies Shocknews are wrong and, in effect acts as the head, and not in the belly. The effect always believed in acting and landed on his head. Could update the news and put his mouth on the head mutant. Sorry my inglish, i'm portuguese. :S

I find this amount of furni very disappointing, I hoped for something bigger. This just looks like updated versions of past habboween furni.

This furniture is such a let down, I was really expecting a haunted carnival theme this year. There's only a few new pieces of furni and they look sorta crappy... Not to mention the badges once again are crap :@

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