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A big thank you to all who attended the Halloween Task's. The three winners have now been stated on the Leaderboard. Have a lovely Halloween, and stay safe!

The 3 winners: toffecake, Rolah and OldWoman will recieve the following prizes:

toffecake: Gold Trophy, Halloween Bundle, and 50 credits!
Rolah: Silver Trophy, Halloween Bundle, and 20 credits!
OldWoman: Bronze, Halloween Bundle, and 10 credits!

All prizes that were promised during the Tasks will be issued ASAP. The winners prizes will be issued by Halloween on the 31st October!


toffecake = 18 points
Rolah = 17 points
OldWoman = 14 points

chucky12345. - 11 points
Funnyliner = 10 points
Jaydeeen = 9 points
CJVX = 9 points
AgentDoggy = 7 points
Choreomania = 7 points
Rhyan! = 6 points
Cadimum = 5 points
Raplds = 4 points
EpicPenguin = 2 points
Jellyfishy = 2 points
Glamera = 2 points
foxa = 2 points
Guarante - 2 points
g.c.magic = 2 points
Strawberry...:L = 2 points
Mythic = 2 points
Mirandah = 2 points
Leonnie = 2 points
EllieGoulding = 2 points
Axb = 2 points
GoldenPebble = 2 points
Vanilla.bear = 2 points
Gingaah = 2 points
benhamin.smithy = 2 points
monoko1212 = 2 points
.:Sparklers:. = 2 points
BlackSwan. = 2 points
Grators = 2 points
jxmi= 2 points
ZombieMoses = 2 points
Jooshy:3 = 2 points
JackieJeopardy = 2 points
Virgate = 2 points
queirozisacc = 2 points
GeekseanTheFwwk = 2 points



You've now been added, thanks for informing me! Also, can the translators please update their translations, thanks!

HALLOWEEN toppliste! By Tuex ved 25-10-2011 20:59:33
En stor takk til alle som deltok og deltok i den første oppgaven. Enkeltpersoner med 2 poeng fikk poeng på grunn av møtende Task.

Oppmøte = 2 poeng
Task Win (1., 2., 3.) = 5 poeng


CJVX = 7 poeng
Choreomania = 7 poeng
OldWoman = 7 poeng
5945 = 2 poeng
EpicPenguin = 2 poeng
Jellyfishy = 2 poeng
Raplds = 2 poeng
Glamera = 2 poeng
toffecake = 2 poeng

Hvis du har vært savnet utenfor Leaderboard uansett grunn, må du kommentere og du vil bli lagt til.

Siste endring av Tuex ved 26-10-2011 10:38:57.

[b]Because I'm weird.[/b] :)

That sucks the time was changed :/
Was busy doing the ghostbuster's games. *Sigh* Don't see a point in trying out for tomorrow's final game but I'll give it a shot if I cba.

Hm... kinda hard to join, if you should calculate the time, and then see it's about 3am in your country... then you'll sleep, I think?...

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