Imported News


Now, Habbo have now enabled us to interact more by letting us pass drinks to one and other...

Thanks to ZombieMoses of Habbo.COM for spotting this little update, it's a nice little update!

Also, you can drop the item you're holding if you don't wish to be carrying an item...

17 replies on “DRINKS PASS! -EDIT!”

Tbh i just wanna say thanks to ZombieMoses for finding that, its so awesome. Im gonna sent him some habboween furni as a thanks, anyone else who wants to join me is welcome.

Omg this is awesome for restaurants :'). I dont like to throw my furni through the room cause they want to drink something lawl

Not really ;3
Just because you now can pass foods on etc, it doesn't mean it will wreck the game (unless u cheat xD)

Do you have to accept when you hand over an item? If not, you can pass a carrot in the fridge game to another player...

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