Blogs Imported


Here at Puhekupla it's within our best interest to find out from you guys and girls what you want from us. So now it's time to give you lot the opportunity to forward what new ideas you have for Puhekupla...

If you'd like to forward your idea(s)/suggestion(s) please comment on this BLOG and I (Tuex) will get back to you ASAP. Please keep your comments clean as you may be reported and banned!

The 'Have Your Say' campaign will happen every Month, and when the end of the Month occurs I'll tell you guys and girls what we've added/updated to Puhekupla in regards to your suggestions/ideas from the previous Month.

10 replies on “HAVE YOUR SAY!”


Obviously, I wasn't around when the 'Pixel Art' Competition was around but if you can explain what it consisted of, and what prizes were involved - I'd be greatful!

Well there was a certain theme like every week or something, and the users voted for the one they liked best after the staff had picked the best ones, then a certain prize was given to the winner, it changed each time I think

Is it possible to enable right-clicking so that we can enable multiple stories in multiple tabs? It'd be really handy!

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