Imported News

New codes - update

New codes found:

group.members.since=Joined %date%
group.members.searchinfo=Search for user...

Update by Youn: New codes of build 880

group.pendingmembercount=Pending: %amount%
navigator.roomsettings.roomaccess.guild.disclaimer=Group members can always enter base room even if the room is password protected or required doorbell.
extendedprofile.groupteaser=Habbo Groups coming soon...

Youn and AbobadoPT :party:

3 replies on “New codes - update”

There is also a new "text mode" .. You can not really look at people's rooms more .. They only appear if there are any in them .. But if you write like this in the search field "owner: Blond" then the user rooms, and only them be displayed.

- Blond from Habbo hotel DK

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