New images found:
New items:
Youn :party:
by Oleg
Edit by AbobadoPT
New codes:
navigator.roomsettings.trade_not_with_Controller=Only room owner can trade
navigator.roomsettings.trade_not_allowed=Trading not allowed
navigator.roomsettings.trade_allowed=Everyone can trade
navigator.tradesettings=Trade Settings
help.cfh.topicwithharasser.105=%name% is being disruptive (thanks to Ash)
11 replies on “BUILD 886 - Update”
Whooot! New present message-layout? :)
Exclusive images soon.
Adorei :D
Abei :D
The gifts thing looks cool :D
How you're doing for have this new version ? Lol. I want to know the solution.
Am i seeing this right? No fee for a luxury gift.. OOOhhh nice!
build 890 is released.
zenda, yes there is.
topic with harasser LOL.
Build 893 is released.
And what is the feature of that one?
And of build 890. Thanks
But your still doing great work! :D