Imported News

Build 895

New handitem :

The return of the lido ?!

New code : Gift

Dimix20 and Punt

13 replies on “Build 895”

i see the images and is new. it's true. Try compare de swf of 893 to 895. In the build 893 the heart and the email icon not exist :party:

Dit gaat geen terugkeer worden van het Lido. Ik denk dat het weer een of ander Runway-event ofzo word.
Anders hadden ze ook wel de andere cijfers 1 t/m 9 ge-upload.

This isn't going to be the return of The Lido. I think this will be some kind of Runway-event, otherwise they would've uploaded the numbers 1 to 9 too...

I don't think this is the return of lido. As they have already done that with swimming in guestrooms along with Battleball (Battle Banzai) & Snowstorm (Freeze). Only thing left they haven't brought back was a remake of Wobble Squabble. Possibly a new game?

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