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Time for a... JOB!

Hi guys!

as you may have noticed.. there is not a lot going on at the moment.. so time to make a change! We're hiring new staff members again!

Our open positions are:

Spanish translators
Italian translators
Danish translators
Swedish translators
Dutch translators
German translators
Portuguese translators
Brazilian-Portuguese translators
Finnish translators
Russian translators
Please note:
We already have some active translators, you'll need to work with them. Check our teampage for more team details!

Graphic designers (smaller images on our website like headers, frontpage-images, etc.)
Layout designers (special theme's, mobile layout, forum layout, etc.)

We're not really looking for new reporters, but if you are really REALLY interested please send us an e-mail. Include experience + examples + what "stuff" you can find.

Not hiring.

Not hiring.

Send us an e-mail INCLUDING your name, e-mail, motivation, examples (designer) and all other stuff you think I'll need. Incomplete/non-English e-mails will not be processed!

You need to be able to speak/read and write proper English and you'll need MSN to stay in contact with me.

Good luck and thanks for reading!


21 replies on “Time for a... JOB!”

Hm... what if you have msn, but: Forgot pass, never use it (using other programs like skype, facebook ect.) and don't even know how to use it?

I hope the new staff members and/or translators will be good at doing their jobs... :3
Good luck guys and maybe girls. ;)


I'm new in Puhekupla translator team. Accepted to be Finnish translator. (L)

Thanks guys!

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