Furni Imported News

Snowboarding [UPDATE 3]

New snowboarding achievements:

badge_name_ACH_snowBoardBuild=Snowboarding Builder %roman%
badge_name_fb_ACH_snowBoardBuild=%realname% is a Snowboarding Builder %roman%
badge_desc_ACH_snowBoardBuild=My cool hill has %limit% slopes. Oh yeah!
badge_desc_fb_ACH_snowBoardBuild=%realname% has a cool snowboarding hill. Check it out!

Snowboarding badges:



6 replies on “Snowboarding [UPDATE 3]”

[quote=N14367] Yes, we had one in the news o.o [url=][/url]

[quote=N14367] We have to search them in the Dutch Hotel. We need to search 5 of them in rooms of Jet (hotel manager), pixelpixie (account with public spaces) and Kerstelfje (x-mas 2011 account). When we found all 5, we need to make a printscreen of them, and send them to Jet in an e-mail with also the roomlinks in it. 15 lucky Habbo's will win VIP......

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