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New codes

New codes found: Niko for free! unlocked on <b>%date%</b><b>Golden Niko Trophy</b> is awarded only when you rescue all Niko's friends and complete the whole Niko game. Meet Niko and try the game for free. from App Store
niko.trophy.description.silver=<b>Niko Trophy</b> is awarded only when you pay and unlock the full Niko game in the iTunes App Store. Meet Niko and try the game for free.
niko.trophy.title=Niko Trophy
snowwar.get_x_more_games_video=Watch a video and get 3 games!
snowwar.buy_x_games=Buy 10 games
snowwar.leaderboard.weekly_reset=Reset: %days%d %hours%h %minutes%m
snowwar.get_x_more_games=Get 10 more games for 1 Credit.

6 replies on “New codes”

I'm glad non-paying members can pay for more SnowStorm games. VIP is too pricey. VIP is equal to 250 games of SnowStorm :D

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