Imported News

BUILD 1079 - BUILD 1082

BUILD 1082:

New saddles, for new pet or race.


Update by Youn:

You can also buy additional 10 games per coin and the limit matches of snowstorm to non-vips is 10 games now.

New image found in RELEASE63-201201242303-983452269.

AbobadoPT, Youn and Renato57

14 replies on “BUILD 1079 - BUILD 1082”

Erm...... that new ignore button in EVERY speechbubble is so fucking annoying, that bubbule with the red "x" when ignoring someone is nice tough.

[quote=N14468] What love furni? Do you mean that the new saddles are for sex and that you can ride your lovepartner on habbo? I don't think so...

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